Tuesday, October 07, 2003

"I just don't want a governor whose behind I've seen."
-- J'Amy Pacheco

J'Amy Pacheco is a delightful columnist whose work appears, so far as I know, only in the Los Angeles Metropolitan News-Enterprise. (Her column isn't on-line so you'll have to take my word for the accuracy of the quotation which comprises this piece's headline.)
It appears she's seen one or more of the "Terminator" movies which, I'm told, feature the unadorned fundament of His Excellency, our new governor. Mrs. Pacheco is, obviously, a woman of great refinement and I very much agree.

Although hers is sufficient, I have other reasons also. Governor-elect Schwarzenegger is also in favour of abortion, homosexual marriage, and additional gun-control. He has assorted other perverse opinions which I am too tired to recall or research at the moment. But it matters not what I think. The electorate has spoken and this is what we've got now.

And that's why I would have preferred Bustamante to Schwarzenegger. Bustamante would have served his three years and then been subject to an election. There is the possibility of an actual moral opposition arising to oppose him in the Republican party. (Remote, I know. This is, after all, California. But possible.) Now we will have Schwarzenegger for three years. As incumbent governor he will have a lock on the nomination for the next term. The following term will then be anti-life Schwarzenegger or anti-life Democrat (TBD). So with Schwarzenegger now we are guaranteed an anti-life sleaze bag for the next 7 years. With Bustamante now, the guarantee would only have lasted for 3 years.

The vote for Tom McClintock was a good one.

And if that weren't enough the Cubs lost. As my grandma used to say, "Thank God for bad luck, or we'd have no luck at all."


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